Recently I have been lucky enough to avail of some excellent online study during these extraordinary times. I have completed all sorts of topics from Dementia Care to Verruca to taking advantage of the training from the Local Enterprise Office for the Training Online Voucher, expertly bought to us by Noel Davidson of The Entrepreneurs Academy.
During his online training, Noel told us about Ivy Bean who at the grand young age of 102, became an internet sensation. Ivy Bean was on twitter @ivybean104 and each year she changed her tag to include her age. Ivy Bean died at the ripe old age of 104, Rest in Peace Ivy. Note to Noel, you now need to update your post! Social media is a fabulous tool for a small business like The Foot Care Centre. You can stretch your reach to a customer anywhere in the world, you just need the tools – an excellent website; good content and an e-commerce section to enable your customers to make sales, book appointments and contact you by email. And excellent training is key – if you are unable to access or utilise all the benefits of social and digital media – you are missing out and so are your customers.
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